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04Feb 2014
How To Do A Thorough Domestic Clean
How To Do A Thorough Domestic Clean

Domestic cleaning is important for anyone who is about to leave a property or for any landlord who wants to rent out a property out which is in a pretty awful state at present.

There are a number of key areas you need to address when doing a thorough domestic cleans; here is our simple guide of action, to help you along the way;

Before you begin, inspect the property and try to decide or determine how much work is needed. If you have furniture within the property and you are expecting to hire out these items with the rental you may wish to consider professional upholstery cleaners if they appear to be particularly stained or marked because the professional equipment they use can work wonders when trying to tackle this issue, same goes for carpets, flooring and rugs.

Inspect one room at a time!
Work your way through the property room by room! Inspect all areas within that room, check the floors, ceilings and walls and try to determine what is required to make the place acceptable for new tenants.
Holes in the walls may need filling, sanding down and then painting. Doors should not have holes in them either and if they can’t be fixed, they should be replaced.

Kitchens tend to accumulate grease marks overtime; special de-greasers are needed to clean those areas, including tiles, walls, cupboards and ceilings. A steam cleaner is effective at cleaning those areas or you may wish to hire a cleaning agency to do it thoroughly, depending on how much work is needed.

Bathrooms tend to accumulate residue and lime scale especially around taps, sinks, baths and toilets. Although there are many cleaning products which are very effective at cleaning those areas it can be very difficult to achieve good results if it’s been left to build up overtime. Again professional cleaning agencies know all of the tricks of the trade and have the right tools for this particular job, and more often than not an old bathroom suite can look remarkably new again afterwards. This is certainly a way of saving on the costs of replacing a whole bathroom suite!

DIY or get pro help?
Not every room in the house is going to need a professional's helping hand so you do not have to pay for a whole house to be done. You could cut costs by only hiring for the main rooms that need doing, like the kitchen and bathroom mainly!
With the rest of the house you could simply give it a good hovering, mopping, dusting and a general wipe down.
If the house needs a lick of paint, and you do not have the time to do it, you could hire a decorator to give it a little spruce up with a coat of paint; this also makes the world of difference to the appearance of a property and makes it smell new and fresh again.

Sometimes a room looks as though it needs to be re-decorated but after having the cleaning contractors in to spruce it up, you decide later that it didn’t need decorating at all, only a good clean. Agency cleaners do a remarkable job of cleaning to a standard which is close to what it would look like new. They also remove all nicotine stains from doors and ceilings which tends to make the place look brighter and smell fresher, this is particular handy when the property is old and the previous tenants were smokers.

If you are unsure of the amount of work the property needs, it is probably better to hire in domestic cleaners first and then decide afterwards.

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